Kawa Yacu - Rwanda

Kawa Yacu - Rwanda


This special lot comes to us from the Women Coffee Extension (WCE) at the Mbizi Coffee Washing Station in Karongi, Rwanda. Founded in 2017 by Aline Christine and Odette Uwamariya, the WCE is a women’s coffee cooperative focused on creating a space for female specialty coffee producers to have a stronger voice in Rwanda coffee production. Today, the WCE has over 700 female coffee producer members.

The WCE is focused on educating and empowering their members. They offer services such as family planning, nutrition programs, agricultural practices and even providing cows and goats to their members. The washing station has seen increased plant yeilds, and has grown from producing 3 shipping containers to 6 containers of green coffee in just a few years.

The WCE plans to keep expanding programs for their members, as well as RFA certifications.

This naturally processed Rwanda boasts tea-like body and floral, dried stone fruit cup character with a pleasant savoriness and tart raspberry brightness.

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12 ounces of coffee.
Orders are roasted on Monday / Tuesday and shipped on Wednesday.